Now you can download the Top 5 Updated Apps by Google on Android devices. Apps list includes: Chrome browser, Avast antivirus, 7 Minute Workout, Morecast and Dashlane Apps.
Browser app
Google has been working on Chrome for a while. Now virtually every android device comes with a pre-installed Chrome Beta browser. Which is currently the ‘it’ browser app for an Android gadget. Bugs or issues that were initially affecting the browsers have no place in this new chrome version since google made sure that it causes no qualms to the phones software. Hence, this app hardly crashes.
Antivirus app
Are you afraid of virus affecting your devices? Be afraid no more. This is because Google has you catered for using its Avast antivirus app. It blocks malware threats with an amazing virus detection system. It searches via the browsers history, micro SD and internal storage are protected by Avast Antivirus. This application has a feature for tracking and remotely swiping data even when you are far from your phone.
Fitness and lifestyle app
Sometimes hitting the gym daily becomes expensive, to supplement this the 7 Minute Workout app can be of much assistance. This app has been scientifically tested and proven to focus on short, high-intensity routines that assists in weight loss. It does not ask for height or weight or even status progress on your routines if you are not into giving out such details. To start on this you simply look over the exercise you want to do and press start button to get started.
Weather app
Some of the pre-installed apps that report on weather that comes with android devices are not the best, so Google store has Morecast. Morecast is also the best in AndroidPIT. This application is good-looking and has a beautiful layout. It is more advance than most of the pre-installed apps. Some of the appealing features are the side-by-side weather comparison for two locations and accurate weather information for a journey.
Password, pattern locks and pin codes can be a common thing but you will be shocked how many people do forget them. Dashlane is an app that saves the passwords and all security measurement of an android device which allows you to copy and paste into an online form if necessary. This app uses the encrypted codes, patterns and often monitors them as the user uses the device. It then streamlines and secure all the information and data used online like a credit card. Dashlane will save the receipts of your credit card and all the information. Worry no more if you are among those who forget passwords because Dashlane has you covered.